Monday, December 29, 2008

Sphynx Care Recommendations

Food: My highest recommendation for cat food is Before Grains. It is pricier and usually only found in specialty stores but if you can get it or find it online, it's worth it. It doesn't contain any filler grains. Cats are carnivores and were meant to eat meat not grains. Other cat food companies only include these grains to bring the price down and no other practical reason. Besides the health benefits of using this cat food you'll find that your cats will poop less and have healthier bowl movements because it does not contain any filler grains. If you do not have access to that brand of food my secondary choice brands would be Royal Cannine or Iams Brand Food.

Litter: I highly recommend unscented litter . Sometimes scented litter can irritate the Sphynxʼs skin and not to mention make your litter box smell worse. The best brands are EverClean Extra Strength Unscented or Fresh Step Unscented. Automatic Cleaning Boxes work well and are convenient too. Another option

at is a toilet training kit for about $25 which will save you money and time cleaning out the litter box and I believe the Sphynx breed are intelligent enough to learn.


1. Kitty EyeWipes from Petsmart. Because Sphynx donʼt have eyelashes, they are prone to getting dirt in their eyes. Make sure the eyes are clean and bright, with no crusties or runnies.

2. Bathing. This will vary from cat to cat but start with bathing them once a week. I try to acclimate them to the bath tub as much as possible when they are little. Some even enjoy baths! Use any bath soap that does not irritate the skin. I use Dove Cucumber & Green Tea Body Wash. Do not use any Cat Soaps as those are designed for animals with fur. Use Soap that you would use on your own skin.

3. Nails: DO NOT DECLAW YOUR POOR LITTLE KITTY! It is inhumane. You can purchase Nail Clippers from your local Petsmart. Read the directions included. Or you can purchase Soft Claw Nail Caps from your local Petsmart. Another option is the PediPaw nail filer you can order online that eliminates the risk of cutting into the quick.

4. Ear Care. Purchase some Ear Cleaner from Petsmart. I use R-7 Natural Ear Cleaner and Cotton Swabs. This is absolutely necessary. Because Sphynx produce more oils to keep themselves warm they do get more ear buildup.